
Forward Forensics is a pioneering force in digital forensics and cybercrime investigation training. We stand at the forefront of innovation, offering an unparalleled array of distinctive courses that redefine training standards in this dynamic field.

Our courses cover a wide range of topics to prepare your digital forensics examiners in areas such as, Incident repose, computer examination, network intrusion, crime scene management and digital device repair. Our courses are regularly evolving to include the latest best practices observed globally. Our commitment to innovation drives us to ensure that our approach to training is unique, fun and full of valuable information.

Digital Forensics (Core Training)

Digital Crime Scence Handling Digital Evidence Seizure Core Skills in Computer Examination Core Skills in Mobile Device Examination Core Skills in in Fire Systems

Digital Forensics (specialist Training)

Windows Examination 1 Windows Examination 1 File Traces and Fragmentation Network Intrusion / Internet Analysis Mac Examination

Digital Forensics (specialist Training)

Dark Web Analysis Crypto Currency investigation Mobile Device Repair Advanced Network Forensics Network Intrusion Investigation

OSINT (Open-Source intelligence Investigation)

Core training:

Our core skills training is the foundation of all our training courses. These set of modules can be used as foundation building block or a foundation of a custom learning track:

Digital Forensics specialist training:

Our specialist training covers a wide array of topics and are designed to enhance the capability of digital forensic examiners, we proud ourselves by being vender neutral yet we have the capabilities of using vender programs to cover unique examination scenarios. Our specialist path is designed to ensure that digital forensics examiners are ready to work on a cases they see on their day to day operations.

Digital Forensics Advanced practice:

Our advanced practice training is the pinnacle of information and is designed to equip forensic examiners with the most advanced skills to deal with unconventional and unique problems. Our hands on approach ensure that all our courses are practically based with enough theoretical foundation to add any problems they might encounter

Why choose us



Real-world experience

Real-world experience

Innovative solutions

Innovative solutions

Proven track record

Proven track record

Personal approach

Personal approach

Quality of service

Quality of service

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